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 1. Dave Hensleigh  Aren't All Religions the Same?  The Biggies 
 2. Quest Community Church  Aren't All Religions Essentially the Same?  Burning Questions 
 3. The Max Levine Ensemble  Aren't All Songs Political? Aren't All Songs Vaguely Self Referential?  OK Smartypants 
 4. FBC  Nov 8 - Why So Many Religions?   
 5. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  What About All Those Religions?  Hard Questions That Often Keep People From God 
 6. New Covenant Church, Hampton, VA  Letters to God: Are All Religions the Same?  thebridge 
 7. Stan Cox  Dear God, Why So Many Religions?  Anchors of the Soul Podcast 
 8. Fred Herron  2009-02-22 What About Other Religions?  Questions of the Faith 
 9. Gary Petty w/ Scott Ashley  Religions In Conflict  Good News Radio 
 10. Gary Petty w/ Scott Ashley  Religions In Conflict  Good News Radio 
 11. Exodus Ministries - Newsong Church, San Dimas, CA  World Religions Part 4  www.exoduspodcasts.com 
 12. Exodus Ministries - Newsong Church, San Dimas, CA  World Religions Part 1  www.exoduspodcasts.com 
 13. David Cobia  I Have A Friend Who Thinks That All Religions are the Same  I Have A Friend Who 
 14. Dave Cresswell  World Religions 5: Buddhism  World Religions 
 15. Daniel Mermet  Le gouvernement et les religions - répondeur  Erika, la Totale ! - 18 janv 08 
 16. CANAL ACADEMIE  les mots des religions : le catéchisme   
 17. CANAL ACADEMIE  Les mots des religions : la Chandeleur   
 18. Ellis Potter  Evaluating eastern religions  European Leadership Forum 
 19. Christine Haskins  The Power of the Feminine in Pagan Religions  SS2005-10-16 
 20. Radio E  Looks aren't everything of cou  Network Europe 
 21. Eric Douma  Apologetics 11 Answering False Religions and Cults  Twin City Fellowship 
 22. Allama Ibrahim Yusuf  The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ among the Religions of the World  Jesus Christ-His Uniqueness,Life,&Teaching 
 23. Albert Mohler  Should the United Nations Protect Religions from Defamation?  Albert Mohler AudioBlog 
 24. Gene Splicer  A Moment In Reason - Violent Arab Religions   
 25. Courtney Roberts  Is Zorastorism the Root of the Western World's Religions?  SS2005-02-27 
 26. Allama Ibrahim Yusuf  The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ among the Religions of the World  Jesus Christ-His Uniqueness,Life,&Teaching 
 27. Harold Netland  Globalization: Theology of Religions in a Globalizing World  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 28. Michael Fisher  Cults and World Religions - Session 2 - Overview  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 29. Michael Fisher  Cults and World Religions - Session 1 - Introduction  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 30. Harold Netland  Globalization: Theology of Religions in a Globalizing World  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
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